8)Max scanning depth: ≥360mm, max detecting depth: ≥300mm
9)Grayscale ≥67 levels, visible and adjustable
10)Sound Power: 1%-100%
11)Linear probe 2D independent steer
12)Partial enlargement(1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5,4.0/4.5/5.0/10 times)
Color Doppler Imaging
1)Imaging method: including speed, speed variance, energy, directional energy display, etc.
2)Display mode: B/C, B/C/M, B/PW, B/C/PW
3)Line density ≥ 3 levels
4)Color hiding technology: hide color without returning to B mode, only display color speed ruler
5)Blood flow map function, color flow sectional view to measure intravascular flow rate
Pulse Wave Doppler mode
1. Display format: full screen, duplex / triple (PW only)
2. Gain: ≥200dB
3. Multi-spectral speed: ≥ 4 adjustable
4. Max measurement speed: PWD: positive or negative blood flow velocity ≥ 7.6 m / s;
CWD: blood flow velocity ≥ 20.0 m / s, minimum velocity: ≤ 5 mm / s (non-noise signal);
5. Zero shift: ≥8 levels
6. Display mode: B, PW, B/PW, B/C/PW, B/CW, B/C/CW
7. Automatic spectrum measurement, manual measurement
8. Display control: inversion, zero shift, B update, D expansion, B/D expansion, etc.
9. Smart Doppler technology allows for free switching between real-time B+CFM mode and real-time PW mo
4D mode
1. 4D Imaging mode: surface mode, max mode, min mode, perspective mode, etc.
2. Display mode: single, dual, quad
3. Crop function
4. Transparency 1-490: 10 levels adjustable
5. Threshold 0-129
6. Smoothing ≥4
7. 4D format to store images, cines, and data
★ Panoramic Imaging
1. Display length up to 50cm at high resolution
2. Supports forward erasing during imaging without re-imaging
3. Supports 2D panoramic and color panoramic imaging
Puncture Guide function(linear probe)
1. Needle angle and position adjustable
2. Two guiding modes: puncture line and puncture guidance range
Probe connectors: ≥2, active. No limit to 4D volume probe